Saturday, September 29, 2012

Makes me smile

Every Friday I take my kindergarten kids to a second grade classroom.  They love working with the older kids and they do so many fun activities with them throughout the year.  Since it is my third year teaching there are a few students in the class who I had in kindergarten my first year.  It was so hard to let my first kiddos go.  :(  Now they are so big! I always wonder about if my students will remember me when they grow up.  Looking back I only remember a few things from when I was in kindergarten. 
One little girl in the class gave me a big hug and said that she was doing great in the class but she had to read a lot of books over the summer.  She said that she read the Junie B.Jones books that I used to read.  She said that she remembered the time I stood in the chair to read and how funny it was.  She also said she missed the "Snuggle bugs" rhyme I would say to them as I tucked them in for nap time and that she wishes she was still in my class.  It made me smile that she remembered the things that I NEVER thought to be remembered for.  Standing in the chair!?  I can't even remember why I did that.  I think in one Junie book Mrs. does that.  Children are always watching and sometimes they remember and hold on to the things that we seem to forget about. 

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