Friday, September 21, 2012

If you give a monster a muffin and a glass of spilt milk.

Visit my TpT site for this free download of my activities!

If Give a Monster a Muffin and Spilt Milk

What an excited week it has been!  I was very excited to plan for letter M week! Last year I focused mostly on the story, If You Give A Moose A Muffin.  There are so many fun wonderful letter M books out there!  The picks of this year were:

Monday and Tuesday were our Big Green Monster days! The children loved it!  I found an app on the itunes store that reads the store and has a jazzy little song that the children LOVED!  It was so cute to see them snap to the music and sing it all week long!

I made felt pieces of each part of the monster so I could put him together while we read the story.  I used a large stiff piece of black felt for the background, cut out two yellow circles for eyes, blue nose, mouth and teeth, etc. 
I put up the two yellow eyes and then turned off the lights!  I used a flashlight to show the two big yellow eyes.  We started a discussion what the children would do if they saw this in the dark.  Then we read the story on the ipad app with the lights out.  Then we reenacted the story by putting his face together as he appeared.  (Keep in mind that the face shows up later in the story, so you'll have to make a face with all the parts glued on. This will keep you from having  to move all of the facial features when you get to part where his face comes in.  I learned the hard way.)

Felt pieces:  (You may need more, if you want to put one face together for the one part of the story.)
2 circle yellow eyes
1 blueish green nose
1 red mouth
4 white triangle shaped teeth
1 large green circle (face)
 2 green ears
6 purple wavy hairs (I used the glitter felt)

Yes, the children commented on the fact that the hair was not squiggly enough and I had one too many teeth! :)

The first math activity that we did, was that we analyzed all of the monster's facial features and recorded how many of each.  Then the children had to "add" all of the things on his face together to draw a picture of him.  I will have this up for download if you want to see what I did. 

This one is scary! (wooOOO)

The one in the middle REALLY made me smile!
 We also made glyphs.  I've seen other teachers today this and I thought it was an awesome idea to get the children thinking and counting. 

They had to graph the different shapes they used to make their monster.  I did the monster I made first and modeled how to fill in the graph.  They did theirs independently.  I was so EXCITED!

At the end of the week, we graphed our favorite M story. 

Here is the symmetry activity we did.  The children had to trace the sentence, "It looked like spilt milk, but it was". 

This is the pocket chart chant we did this week.  Five Little Monsters.  I got this from Deanna Jump's Back to School Literacy and Math Fun.  I added the clipart monsters. 
Here is a copy of my worksheets that I made! It is free!


  1. I love your monster activities! I might have to borrow those for mt monster celebration for Halloween! I'm also a new follower!


    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  2. Welcome Greg! Nice to meet you! Borrow away! I also enjoyed looking at your blog. I will be borrowing things as well!
